Sunday, September 30, 2018

He Said I Was Delusional. I Nearly Fell Off My Unicorn.

Why does this witty verse make me smile and chuckle at the same time? Does this relate to some aspect of my life? Or do I just see the humor of riding a unicorn in this crazy, out-of-control world we live in?

Think about these three sayings that have been bandied about over the years:
  • ·        Get off your high horse
  • ·        You’ve changed horses in mid-stream
  • ·        Get back on your horse

Isn’t a unicorn a type of horse? I looked up the definition of unicorns in my Merriam-Webster app. It states a unicorn is “A mythical, usually white animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse with long flowing mane and tail and a single, often spiraled horn in the middle of the forehead.”

Okay, maybe the mythical/spiraled horn takes a unicorn into a whole different realm.  To me it represents a world where there exists a wonderful, loving, safe place to live in and enjoy. Unfortunately, that doesn’t exist in the world in which we currently live.

Where’s a unicorn when you need one? Or maybe we should move in with Puff the Magic Dragon who lives by the sea.

Until the next time…

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Witticisms I’ve Collected Along the Way - Chapter 1

I do not take credit for these wonderful witticisms. I’ve collected them over the years from others who have written them.

  Political Observations:
·        Remember back when Sarah Palin was the craziest person in politics? GOOD TIMES.
·        Can we just admit we may have taken this “ANYONE CAN GROW UP TO BE PRESIDENT” thing just a bit too far?
·        Trying To Pick My Favorite Politician is like trying to decide which STD would be best for me.
·        BE CAREFUL When you blindly follow the masses – sometimes the “M” is silent.
·        Elect a clown – expect a Circus
·        Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys
Diva Statements:
·        OOPS…Did I roll my eyes out loud?
·        Clearly states DIVA on my birth certificate.
·        ADMIT IT – Life would be so boring without me.
·        If I were WRONG don’t you THINK I’d know?
·        You couldn’t handle me even if I came with INSTRUCTIONS.
·        You know that little thing inside your head that keeps you from saying things you shouldn’t? Yeah, I don’t have one of those.
·        I can’t decide what pants to put on today: smarty or fancy
·        MY FAVORITE COLORS ARE: Black, Dark Black, Pitch Black, Pastel Black, Light Black, and Faded Black.
Aging Gracefully:
·        Being cremated is my last hope for a smoking, hot body!
·        I’m a - Wooden Spoon, Lead Paint, No Car Seat, No Seat Belt, No Bike Helmet – Survivor!
·        If I’m ever on life support, unplug me. Then plug me back in. See if that works.
·        The best thing about the good old days was that I wasn’t good and I wasn’t old.
·        So when is this old enough to know better supposed to kick in?
·        My glass is empty! QUICK! Call Wine-One-One!
·        Physically I’m here, mentally I’m in a Galaxy FAR FAR Away.
·        I don’t trip – I do random gravity checks.
·        I just did a week’s worth of cardio after walking into a spider web.
·        I can’t believe HOW OLD people my age are.
·        IF I WOKE UP in the morning and nothing hurt - I WOULD THINK I WAS DEAD.
·        Don’t grow up – it’s a trap.
·        Life is too short to waste time matching socks.
·        I could be a morning person if morning happened at noon.
·        I saw people through the window today. That’s enough social interaction.
·        Never judge a book by its movie.
·        Wait! I do not snore! I dream I’m a motorcycle!
·        Retired: Goodbye tension. Hello pension. 
Cats & Dogs:
·        St. Catrick – Patron Saint of Crazy Cat Ladies
·        I was normal three dogs back.
·        Life is short. Spoil your dog.
·        WHATEVER – My dog thinks I’m awesome.
·        I work hard so my dog can have a better life
·        Dogs make me happy. Humans? Not so much.
·        RESCUED – is my favorite BREED
·        The journey of life is sweeter when traveled with a dog.
·        LOVE is how excited your dog gets when you come home.
·        Sometimes I meet people and feel bad for their dog. 
Statements of Truth:
·        Around here, normal is just a setting on the dryer.
·        In order to insult me, I must first value your opinion…nice try though.
·        I’m beginning to think that for some of you, the wheels on your bus do not go round & round.

·        He said I was delusional, I nearly fell off my unicorn.
·        It’s not that I’m immature. It’s just that you started it!
·        In my defense – I was left unsupervised.
·        I would like to thank my middle finger for always sticking up for me when I need it.
·        I Think I Still Have Some Unfinished Procrastinating To Do From Yesterday.
·        I’m the oldest - I make the rules.
·        I’m the middle – I’m the reason we have rules.
·        I’m the youngest – the rules don’t apply to me.