I have wanted to be published for many years.
The problem was, I’d had writer’s block for over 36 of those years. Back when
I was 17, I was a student in Mr. H’s English class at Lincoln East High School
in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was also the coach for one of our athletic teams, but I
don’t remember which one.
One of our assignments was to describe something in
vivid detail. For my story, I chose Toby, my mother’s Newfoundland dog. Well, Mr. H. used my work to point out that I anthropomorphized my character. And he did so with a relish. Though he didn’t name who the student was, he looked
directly at me during his entire tirade.
To say I was humiliated was an
understatement. It was bad enough that I tried to hide from everyone in a
school where the population was over 2,000. I especially tried to hide
from the football and basketball teams. They loved to grab my books and throw
them in the trash can on a regular basis, and that was minor compared to the
other things that they succeeded in doing.
That experience in Mr. H’s
English class, caused me to slip even farther down the rabbit hole, which isn’t
healthy, especially for a 17-year old with no viable-support system.
Flash forward, I am now 65-years old. As of today, there have been over 67,000 views on my blog! My plan is to post every Sunday between 2 p.m. and 11:59 p.m.
The very insecure little girl in me is so thrilled. I’ve had many readers’ mention how much they have enjoyed my
postings and that they look forward to reading more! What do you think of that, Mr. H?
Until the next time...