Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Vultures Among Us...

My future ex-husband #3 and I had purchased a piece of property about an hour west of Washington, D.C. It was six acres of grass, woods and a dried-up creek. I would have preferred a creek with water running through it, but that wasn’t an option.

To get to our house, you had to drive over a one-lane bridge. I always liked that part because from a distance, I could see the tops of the trees on our property. That all changed one Fall day.

I looked up as I was crossing the bridge, and I saw many vultures flying over the treetops of our property. What the hell? In my lifetime, I had never personally seen one vulture, much less a whole flock. Oh, it gets even better. I made it around the bend and started up the driveway to our house. There was a vulture sitting on our mailbox! And, there were many more sitting on dozens of tree branches. I’m not good at guessing crowd sizes (kinda like Trump), but there had to be 30 to 50 of them, not including the ones circling over our property.

I didn’t have a clue as to why they were there and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know. I waited until future ex-husband #3 came home from work. He had no suggestions as to why this was happening. At least there were now two of us trying to figure out what was going on.

It was getting dark and we decided that it was the wrong time of the day to go looking for the cause. The next morning, we walked down to where they were roosting. It was scary. They just sat on the branches and just stared at us. Then we found the cause. There was a carcass of a deer laying near the creek. It had been picked clean. 

Okay folks, this posting is no longer about birds. It’s about the human vultures among us.

There are so many individuals in this world that are evil. We can’t hide from that. What happened in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, is a moment in history in which a group of individuals showed their vulture nature. Unlike Trump’s view on this horrible event, there was only one side that was the root of this tragedy. It was the white nationalists. They were “the vultures.”

Humanity took a nose dive that day. We cannot remain silent to that event or any other in these past three years. We must rise above their mentality and bring back justice and freedom to our society.

Remember, we are all immigrants unless you are a Native American. I don’t know how to rid ourselves of these degenerates, but we need to come together as a consolidated group of Americans. Or what happened in Germany during World War II will repeat itself.


We all need to become brave and raise our voices against a group of people who want all of us to lose our freedoms because we are minorities and immigrants.

What can we do? I don’t have that answer, but I do want to find a way to be heard. What about you?

Until the next time...

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