Friday, December 4, 2020

Life's Many Annoyances...There are So Many!


 I made up this list years ago while sipping a Latte on a snowy day!

·       Zero Chance of Rain – that’s what the weatherman said and it's raining cats and dogs!

·       Dusting – what’s wrong with leaving love notes on the furniture?

·        Colonies of Dust Bunnies – can’t they find somewhere else to live? 

·       Making the Bed –is it really necessary to do every day?

·        Dental Flossing – every night?

·       Exercise – bad for one’s health!

·       Folding Undies – what's wrong with just throwing them in the drawer?

·        Trimming Nails – especially toe nails, hard to reach!

·       Shaving Legs – Hobbit toes anyone? Plus, what's wrong with the braided look???

·       Getting ready for bed – why does it take so long?

·       Missing Socks – where did they move to?

·       Ironing – there is a good reason for cotton, a good shake and you are off and running!

·       Selecting Clothes – what to wear to work ??? – having a uniform when in grade school made life so much easier!

·       Showing up on time to meetings, events – not a problem, I’m consistently late!

·       “Can you hear me now?” –  isn’t that what satellites are for?  

·      Umbrellas – own three but they are never where I and the rain are!

·       Pulling Weeds – they grow faster than my plants do, why?

·       Stop Signs – especially the 4-way ones, what happens if everyone goes at once?

·       Not finding a State Patrol Officer when some creep is following you - yikes!

·       Finding a State Patrol Officer when you are going over 80 mph!

·        And, doing chores, where's the fun in that?

Until the next time...

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