Monday, November 30, 2020

Biden Won -- Not Trump


The first thing I do every morning when I wake up, is to access CNN from my iPhone. After what I read on November 22, 2020 (see opinion piece below) about Trump’s latest antics, it made me so angry. Trump is not willing to admit that he lost the 2020 election. The numbers do not lie. Joe Biden actually won with a convincing electoral college victory and a popular vote of over 78 million votes. The most votes of any presidential candidate in history.

What does Trump do? He sends out lawyers and his henchman, Rudy Giuliani, to make accusations of voter fraud with no evidence to prove it. So many courts have thrown out the lawsuits that have been submitted to the court systems in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, to name a few.


 Opinion by Richard Galant, CNN

Updated 9:28 AM ET, Sun November 22, 2020

“Addressing the former New York City mayor, who was parroting Trump's lie about massive voter fraudUS District Court Judge Matthew Brann posed a devastating question at the hearing on Tuesday.”

"You're alleging that the two individual plaintiffs were denied the right to vote. But at bottom, you're asking this court to invalidate more than 6.8 million votes, thereby disenfranchising every single voter in the Commonwealth. Could you tell me how this result could possibly be justified?"

On Saturday, November 20, 2020 the judge effectively answered his own question by dismissing the lawsuit and saying, "this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations...and unsupported by evidence."


On Saturday, November 13, 2020 Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election. What was Trump doing? Playing golf. He has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 299 times since becoming President in 2017. Pretty impressive record. That will look good on his resume.

What will not look good on his resume is this latest debacle. A grown man (questionable) is throwing a hissy fit, making baseless claims about massive voter fraud because he lost an election. He is not able to act dignified (he never does), and congratulate President-Elect Biden on his win. Why can’t he do this? According to him and his posse he won the election by losing over six million votes to the other guy

He doesn’t know how democracy works. He never committed to a peaceful transfer of power. Does that sound like democracy? More like Fascism or a dictatorship. Is that what his followers voted for? Then they don’t know what democracy is either.

Democracy: “a) government by the people esp. rule of the majority  b) a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

Autocratic leadership is just the opposite of democratic. These leaders tell others exactly what they want done – and assume full responsibility for the results. There is no consultation. The leader speaks and expects absolute obedience.

Whoa, “the leader expects absolute obedience”. What does that sound like? Trump wants to be the “King of America” and not the “President of America.” That is not what millions of Americans fought wars for and lost their lives to protect all of us so we could live in freedom and make our own choices.

Home of the Free – Because of the Brave 

Remember when Trump called Senator John McCain a loser because he was captured by North Vietnamese soldiers in 1967? McCain endured being a prisoner of war until 1973. He was a hero and not a loser. Trump discredited the work of real American heroes (as he recently called many members of our military, losers), just as he now seeks to tear down the workings of democracy. 

In the Washington Post, Paul Waldman put it starkly"No president in American history has ever before spent the end of his time in office trying to discredit our democracy, degrade the federal government, and set Americans against each other," Waldman wrote. The Republicans, "are finishing the Trump presidency the way they started it, with a show of complicity and cowardice."

When historians write about all the corrupt polices that Trump and the Republicans stood by during 2017 through 2021, the word “democracy” will not be used to describe what we have lived through these past four years.

Update: (CNN) “On November 23, 2020 General Services Administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that the Trump administration is ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter from Administrator Emily Murphy sent and obtained by CNN. The letter is the first step the administration has taken to acknowledge President Donald Trump’s defeat, more than two weeks after Biden was declared the winner of the election.” BUT Trump has not conceded because he still thinks he won the election. Really??? 


1 comment:

  1. Good read. Too bad we have to write about this individual
