Sunday, January 10, 2021

Not at Our Capitol

Random thoughts that have been running through my mind since the takeover and sacrilege of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021:

We’ve become a third-world nation,

 Domestic terrorists live among us,

Desecration of our Capitol,

The need to hold Trump accountable for his lies and misinformation regarding Charlottesville, Ukraine, and recently Georgia.

Social Media – Trump’s lies, his belief in fake news, the hateful things he says about people who are not aligned with his mindset. His willingness to be associated with QAnon. All of this and more he willingly shares on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Per Wikipedia “QAnon is a disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against US President Donald Trump who is fighting the cabal.”

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Since watching our Capitol being attacked, I have had the need to write about my feelings which means it ends up in my blog. I have been so close to crying my eyes out, yet a stronger feeling has been stopping me. I feel shattered, that any American could be a part of the desecration of a symbol of democracy here in the United States. These people who participated in this heinous act are domestic terrorists and not Americans.

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This is a Facebook posting from a friend. “Since yesterday's armed insurrection in our nation’s capital, I've seen several friends trying to reconcile that event with their Republican friends and family.

I've seen posts claiming that not all Republicans condone those actions and that we shouldn't judge all Republicans by a small group of extremists. To those friends I have this to say. You are incredibly naive. If your friends and family voted for Trump in 2020, they voted for a man who claimed even before the election that if he lost it would be due to "massive voter fraud".

They voted for a man who fanned the flames of insurrection over the past four years at his rallies. They voted for a man who, in the first televised debate of 2020, not only refused to denounce white supremacy, but called out a white supremacy group by name and told them to "stand back and stand by".

Trump voters tacitly condoned the actions in our nation’s capital yesterday. They were completely comfortable with white supremacy, children in cages and the deaths of over 380,000 Americans because the Republican administration refused to organize a national response to the pandemic after declaring a state of emergency in March. Stop trying to defend horrible people.


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What is democracy? 

“Democracy: “a) government by the people esp. rule of the majority b) a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

 The opposite of democracy?

“Autocratic leadership is just the opposite of democratic. These leaders tell others exactly what they want done, and assume full responsibility for the results. There is no consultation. The leader speaks and expects absolute obedience.”

This last sentence sums up what happened. Trump told his supporters to swarm the Capitol in defiance of the election results. He was hoping for what? That they would hold members of Congress and Senate hostage? Or they would blow up the Capitol? Burn the electoral votes? Why? So, he could finally have complete control of our government and fulfill his desire to become a Dictator like his friend Putin.

The attack on our national Capitol will be a date that many will remember for years to come. Just as the events of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and 9/11, will live in infamy, so will January 6, 2021. 

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