Friday, July 2, 2021

Miss Gracie's Gotcha Day!

 I woke up on the morning of July 2, 2019, not knowing I would be the proud owner of a Sheltie puppy by 3:15 that afternoon. Miss Gracie came to me at 8-weeks old and weighed in at whopping 3.6 lbs. What a bundle of joy!

She was full of mischief and destruction all wrapped up in one furry package. I said “No” so often that I’m was afraid she would grow up believing her name was “No Miss Gracie!”

For your entertainment, here is a list of hi-jinx that warranted a “No.”

·        Don’t chew on Mommy!
·        Don’t bite the wheels on the vacuum!
·        Don’t chomp on Fast Eddie’s tail!
·        Don’t eat the carpet!
·        Don’t eat the leg on the coffee table!
·        Don’t eat the pine cones! 
·        Don’t eat the wood off the closet door!
·        Don’t pee on the…carpet!
·        Don’t pee on the…floor!
·        Don’t pee on the…rugs!
·        Drop it!
·        Stop digging up the mulch in the flower garden!
·        Stop eating the fringe on the oriental rug!
·        Stop eating the wall!
·        Stop licking the electrical outlets!
·        That’s not yours!

This was what our daily life was like in the beginning. And, we are so blessed that she came into our lives when she did.

Until the next time…

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