Saturday, April 1, 2023

Me & the Creepy Crawlers


OMG! I’m from Nebraska so that translates to “Oh My Gosh.” We have centipedes in our house! We’ve killed four in the past two weeks. They are approximately 3 inches in length, by my estimation. I haven’t had the opportunity to measure them, and I don’t plan to.
I know absolutely nothing about centipedes. I went out to the Internet. The information I found there was just frightening.
They can range from under 1 inch to 7 inches long. What the hell?!?! They prefer dark, damp places and wet climates. We have a damp, wet basement which is one of their favorite hide outs. I’m doomed!!! I’m moving to the North Pole.
They have the ability to bite! They will bite if picked up – that’s not going to happen in my household. EVER! Also, if you step on one, they will bite. I’m going to start wearing my Wellies in the house. And, if you make them angry, they will run straight at you. What?!?!?
I checked with my neighbors. Wet basements are a fact of life in this area and obviously so are centipedes. One neighbor said, “Very common, welcome to the neighborhood. No!!!
One neighbor doesn’t have centipedes; she has silverfish instead. I looked them up on the Internet. Very prehistoric looking. I hope they aren’t living in our basement as well. Because if they are, I’m moving.
Here’s the kicker. The female centipede can lay between 35 to 100 eggs at a time. And a common house centipede can have a life expectancy of up to 5 years. OMG, what universe am I living in?
My suggestion to the City of Albany is to change their logo to make Albany the “Centipede Capital of New York State.” That would definitely bring in more tourists!

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