Saturday, April 1, 2023

Me & Getting Lost - Chapter 2


Damn it! I got lost trying to get to the Department of General Services to pick up mulch for my Earth Machine, a city-supplied composter. And what do I see ahead? The Egg! What is it with me and that darn Egg?
I had been using a GPS App on my iPhone and I had been doing well hearing the instructions and then all of sudden the voice faded out so I had to guess what direction I should go. I made a left-hand turn and there was “The Egg” in front of me. Oh My Gosh. Why? Why? Why?
The voice picked up and gave me directions to get back to the correct street. Yeah, I saw the Hudson River Bridge that I’m supposed to go under. Hallelujah! I know where I am.
Okay, I arrived at Richard J. Conners Blvd. where the Department of General Services is located. One drives to a check-in area where your Driver’s License is checked to make sure you are a city resident. When I drove up, she said, “I remember you!” What is it about me that make me so memorable?
After a lovely chat, I got my mulch and off I went. Only made it about 2 miles and I got lost again! Almost ended up at the I-787 ramp! No!!! I saw a side-street and made a hard right turn. Finally made it to a familiar street.
As I was passing by “The Egg," I waved, finally heading home in the right direction.

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